The Science
Unraveling the Power of Mycoton: Nature, Research, and Transformation
How Mycoton Works
Mycoton is a powerful dietary supplement packed with biologically active ingredients derived from chitin, glucans and melanins. This unique formula is designed to support and restore your health, offering a range of benefits. Whether you want to proactively maintain your well-being or enhance your healing process, Mycoton is your trusted companion. Its effectiveness lies in its natural mechanisms of action, which include:
- Powerful Biosorbent for Gentle Detoxification: Toxin Elimination Technology
Mycoton is renowned as one of the most potent biosorbents available. It effectively eliminates a wide range of toxins that enter our bodies through water, food, inhalation, and even through the skin. This exceptional biosorbent targets heavy metals, radionuclides, and metabolic toxins that accumulate in our system, ensuring a comprehensive detoxification process.
The mechanism of action of Mycoton is ingeniously simple. As depicted in the diagram, toxins find their way into our bodies through various pathways, whether it be through ingestion, inhalation, or natural metabolic processes. Mycoton acts as a powerful enterosorbent that actively absorbs toxins that passively diffuse from circulation into the gastrointestinal tract, trapping and removing these harmful substances from our system.
The human body is a remarkable system with multiple organs dedicated to eliminating toxins and maintaining overall well-being. Key players in this process include the liver, kidneys, gastrointestinal tract, lungs, and skin. These organs work tirelessly, with the bloodstream flowing through them, purging toxins and ensuring our bodies remain clean and healthy. However, when the excretory system encounters disruptions, toxins can accumulate, leading to various diseases and imbalances.
In today's world, our bodies face an onslaught of synthetic toxins from sources like food, water, and medications. These harmful substances can overwhelm even healthy excretory organs, making it challenging for them to effectively remove toxins. To maintain optimal health in such circumstances, additional support is necessary to facilitate the removal of toxins from the bloodstream.

Within the body, most organ systems operate within a closed circulatory network, except for the gastrointestinal tract. This unique pathway allows approximately 10 liters of fluid, including saliva, gastric juice, and digestive byproducts, to enter the gastrointestinal tract daily. Remarkably, this fluid is reabsorbed back into the bloodstream. By strategically placing an adsorbent along this pathway, specifically in the gastrointestinal tract, we can effectively purify the body by trapping and removing different waste materials via passive diffusion across the intestinal lumen.
This is where Mycoton excels. As a highly effective biosorbent, Mycoton fulfills this role with precision. It possesses a wide but selective detoxifying effect, adept at absorbing toxins and heavy metals from the body. Importantly, Mycoton achieves this without disturbing the absorption of essential biogenic trace elements or disrupting mineral metabolism that is crucial for your overall well-being.
Mycoton is a safe and non-toxic solution, free from contraindications and side effects. It has received approval as a food supplement from the Ministry of Public Health Services of Ukraine, further attesting to its quality and reliability.
- Potent Immune Modulation
Mycoton, the remarkable natural supplement, harnesses the power of glucans to exhibit potent immunomodulating properties.
Extensive research into Mycoton's immunomodulating capabilities has been conducted under clinical conditions, specifically on patients with chronic viral hepatitis. These patients received 0.5 grams of Mycoton three times a day as an adjunct to their primary treatment, while a control group underwent treatment without Mycoton. The results were striking.
Mycoton effectively regulates the levels of crucial immunocompetent cells, such as T- and B-lymphocytes, while also reducing immunoglobulin levels. This harmonization of immune parameters plays a pivotal role in promoting overall immune system balance and optimal functionality. Moreover, Mycoton significantly decreases the presence of circulating immune complexes, enhancing your body's immune response. Additionally, it has been observed to greatly improve the function of phagocytosis, the process by which immune cells engulf and eliminate harmful substances.
By embracing Mycoton as part of your wellness journey, you empower your immune system to perform at its best. Whether you are facing existing health concerns or striving to maintain your well-being, Mycoton's immune modulating properties provide targeted support to bolster your body's defenses and promote a state of vibrant health.

Changes of T-and-B Lymphocytes

Changes in levels of Circulating Immune Complexes

Changes of the Immune Globulin Levels in Blood

Effect on Protein Balance
- Optimization of Biochemical Homeostasis
In addition to its direct impact on immunocompetent cells, Mycoton possesses a remarkable ability to promote detoxification within the body, thereby exerting a profound influence on the immune system. The application of Mycoton offers a multitude of favorable effects on crucial biochemical parameters that contribute to your overall health.
One of the key benefits of Mycoton is its ability to restore balance to protein levels in the bloodstream. By normalizing the protein composition in the blood plasma, Mycoton reduces the levels of globulins while increasing the content of albumins. Of particular significance is its unique capacity to restore the transport function of albumins. This ensures the efficient delivery of essential nutrients and compounds throughout your body, optimizing cellular functioning and promoting overall well-being.
Furthermore, Mycoton demonstrates its efficacy by promoting the normalization of enzymatic activity. By fostering a harmonious enzymatic environment, Mycoton supports vital metabolic processes and ensures that your body's biochemical reactions function optimally.
In the quest for total wellness, Mycoton plays a pivotal role in regulating cholesterol and bilirubin levels. By normalizing cholesterol levels and addressing bilirubin imbalances, Mycoton supports a healthy cardiovascular system and contributes to the overall balance of biochemical parameters within your body.
Unlock the transformative power of Mycoton and experience the profound benefits of biochemical equilibrium. Embrace this remarkable supplement as an integral part of your wellness journey, and witness the positive impact it can have on your overall health and vitality.
- Pioneering Radioprotection: The Chernobyl Study Unravels Mycoton's Potential
In a groundbreaking study conducted on exposed personell at a shelter inside the Chernobyl nuclear disaster site, researchers made a groundbreaking discovery about Mycoton's radioprotective prowess. The study revealed that Mycoton's Chitin-Melanin-Glucan complex possesses potent antioxidant and immune modulating properties, crucial for shielding the body in radiation-intensive environments. As an adaptogen, Mycoton exhibited the exceptional ability to fortify the human body against escalated radiation exposure, rendering it a trusted and invaluable ally in safeguarding well-being amidst challenging conditions.
- Transforming Gastrointestinal Wellness: Mycoton's Breakthrough in Managing Chronic Lesions of the Digestive Tract
Chronic lesions of the upper digestive tract, encompassing ailments like recurring stomatitis and gastroduodenitis, have long posed challenges, particularly among children. Conventional medical approaches often fall short due to the complex interplay of infection, toxicity, immune imbalances, and autonomic disruptions. However, a groundbreaking solution has emerged – Mycoton, a unique preparation enriched with a chitin, melanin, and glucan complex.
A comprehensive study involving 254 children aged 7 to 15, afflicted with chronic upper digestive tract issues, unveiled Mycoton's transformative potential. These children were grouped based on their underlying microbial causes: zymotic factors, helicobacter, herpesvirus, and candida. Each group underwent distinct treatment regimens, with a subset within each receiving Mycoton alongside their established conventional therapies.
Mycoton's prowess stems from its potent antimicrobial properties, demonstrated in both laboratory and living systems. This preparation harnesses the power of chitin, melanin, and glucan to actively combat microbial infections and absorb a range of toxic agents. In fact, earlier studies highlighted Mycoton's comparable efficacy to traditional antibiotics and antiviral/antifungal drugs.
The results were remarkable. By integrating Mycoton into existing therapeutic strategies, a profound improvement in treating these complex inflammatory conditions was observed. The addition of Mycoton significantly elevated the overall efficacy of the treatment, outperforming conventional therapies alone.
Mycoton offers promise not only in addressing diseases with intricate origins but also those intertwined with infection, toxicity, allergies, and immunodeficiencies. As a beacon of innovation, Mycoton emerges as a prospective game-changer in healing ailments rooted in multifaceted etiologies.
- Addressing Foodborne Intoxication with Selective Enterosorbent Properties
Mycoton, with its remarkable enterosorbent properties, presents a dynamic solution to combat foodborne intoxication. With it’s inherent adsorbent properties, Mycoton possesses the unique ability to selectively target and absorb harmful substances, effectively removing toxins and contaminants from the digestive system. This selective action not only aids in alleviating symptoms of foodborne intoxication but also supports the body's natural detoxification processes. Mycoton stands as an innovative safeguard against the challenges of food-related ailments, offering a path to rapid relief and enhanced well-being.
Extensive research conducted on both laboratory animals as well as humans has demonstrated the remarkable safety profile of Mycoton, even at high doses. Additionally, the impact of Mycoton on patients' internal organs has been thoroughly examined using standard clinical methods. These comprehensive studies have consistently shown no adverse effects on vital organs such as the liver, kidneys, pancreas, peripheral blood, and blood coagulation system. Mycoton is a safe and reliable option for long-term use. In recognition of these findings, the Pharmacological Committee of the Ministry of Public Health Services of Ukraine has granted Mycoton a certification for its non-toxic nature.
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